How many “diets” have you followed? I’ve pretty much tried all of the different ways of eating at one time or another. Vegan, vegetarian, Whole30, paleo, keto. And, I certainly believe in an elimination diet to see what works best for you. I love Whole30! But what I know is that each of our bodies are unique. It’s called bioindividuality.
Just because keto worked for your friend, doesn’t mean it’s the best fit for you.
Here are my thoughts on “diets”:
So what to do?
Try different ways of eating but don’t be so restrictive that eating isn’t enjoyable. You can’t maintain that anyway. Try eliminating certain foods to see if you notice a change in the way you feel. The most important groups would be gluten, sugar, dairy. And a reset or detox is a great way to jump start your journey to find the perfect “eating plan” for you! If you make whole, real foods the main staple, you can’t go wrong!